The company

TIN: 113165763
CONTACT PHONE: 28210 46816

(hereinafter “Company”), as the personal data manager, informs you, as data subjects, about the manner and extent of the processing of personal data by the company, including the extent of your rights regarding the processing of your personal data from the company.

What personal data does the “Company” process?

The “Company” processes in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the abolition of of Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter “the Regulation”) and in accordance with the relevant national law on the protection of personal data, the personal data that you provide to the “Company” in relation to the purchase of goods or the use of services (e.g. x. in the context of ordering goods from an online store, sending a newsletter from the or when processing a product return claim through a call center). These are the following personal data:

Name and surname

Email adress

Phone number

Home address or delivery address

Encrypted password

Profile information such as age and gender

Record voice calls in the call center

The “Company” also processes the data about you that it receives during the purchase of goods or during the use of its services. These are the following personal data:

IP address

Cookie files

Browser and device data

Geographical data

Details of the purchases made (eg type, price of goods, date of purchase, customer account details)

Ή other electronic identifier

The “Company” processes this personal data only for the purposes mentioned below and to the extent and for the period of time necessary to achieve these specified purposes.

For what purposes and on the basis of what legal titles does the “Company” process your personal data?

Processing of personal data in relation to the purchase of goods in the online store

The processing of personal data is necessary for the conclusion of the purchase contract and its subsequent implementation, the delivery of the goods of the order as well as for the fulfillment of the existing tax obligations.

In case you complete the order, the Company collects and processes your personal data such as – name, surname, home address or delivery address, telephone number, e-mail address. The disclosure of this personal data is a basic condition for the conclusion or modification of the purchase contract, while the provision of personal data is primarily aimed at your clear and unambiguous identification as well as the communication with you and the delivery of the goods of your order.

Processing of personal data in relation to the handling of complaints, requests and claims

The fulfillment of the contractual and legal obligations of the “Company” is considered as a legal basis for the processing of personal data. In relation to the processing of claims, the “Company” processes the personal data for the purposes of its legitimate interests in case of a possible dispute arising from the claim.

During the processing of the claims, the “Company” collects and processes your personal data such as – name, surname, home address, delivery address, telephone number, e-mail address, transaction history, data of the purchased goods, recording of voice calls to call center.

Processing of personal data in relation to customer account keeping

If you register as a user of the website, the “Company” processes your personal data in order to maintain the customer account. The legal title for the processing is considered the execution of the contract, ie the negotiation for the purpose of concluding a purchase contract, the delivery of the order products, the relevant communication as well as the fulfillment of the existing tax obligations.

In the case of keeping a customer account, the “Company” collects and processes personal data of the data subject such as – name, e-mail address, telephone number, home address or delivery address, password in encrypted form, profile information such as age and sex, details of the purchases made (eg type and price of goods, date of purchase, details of the situation customer account).

Processing of personal data for sending a newsletter (commercial communication messages)

If you enter your e-mail address for sending a newsletter, the Company processes your personal data such as – e-mail address according to your consent for the processing of personal data for sending offers via e-mail and other business electronic communications means in accordance with law no. 480/2004, on certain aspects of information society services. The Company will process your personal data after you enter your e-mail address in order to send a newsletter to the website “Company” .gr and then complete this registration by confirming your consent to the processing of your personal data in the message email you received. If the registration is not completed in the above way, your e-mail address will be deleted without undue delay.

In the case of existing customers, the “Company” processes personal data such as – name, surname, e-mail address for the aforementioned purpose based on legitimate interest.

Processing customer data with consent for commercial and business purposes

In case you agree to the processing of personal data for commercial and business purposes, the “Company” will process your personal data such as – name, surname, gender, age, e-mail address, IP address and resulting location, data from cookies and similar technologies, data on actual purchases, browser data and devices and other electronic identifiers, mainly in order to create an appropriate offer of products and services of the “Company” or third parties and in the context of reaching customers through all means of advertising through Internet and electronic communications aimed at sending personalized offers by e-mail, targeted advertisements and other business communications via electronic means in accordance with law no. 480/2004, on certain aspects of information society services, as amended.

Use of cookie files and web page analysis

If you use the “Company” website, you agree to the collection of cookies that “Company” uses its website to improve the performance of its website, evaluate its traffic and optimize marketing activities, such as displaying ads for products based on the assessment of your interest in the goods.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files sent by the website you visit in your browser and which stores them on your computer and are used to distinguish individual users. However, the user’s person cannot be identified based on this information. Cookies are used to remember your actions and preferences for a certain period of time, so you do not need to re-enter them when you return or go from site to site.

What are cookies used for?

Cookies help to facilitate your purchases and simplify the display of web pages. Specifically, cookies are used to:

They ensure the proper operation of our website so that it is possible to complete the process of ordering goods with the utmost ease.

They ensure secure login, user authentication, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials, and protect user data from unauthorized access.

They store customer login credentials so they do not have to re-enter them each time.

They remember the contents of the shopping cart.

They customize the look of the website based on the preferences and requirements of the visitors.

They analyze the visits, behavior, preferences and interests of the users of the site.

They customize the display of goods ads to the user’s interests.

The cookies used by our website, “Company” .gr, are divided into two basic types depending on their duration. These are temporary cookies, the so-called “session cookies”, which are only temporary and remain stored on your device only until the end of the browser login period and the longer-lasting cookies, the so-called “permanent cookies” that remain stored on your computer for a longer period of time. Temporary cookies allow save information when moving from one site to another so you do not have to enter certain data repeatedly. When the browser closes they are deleted from your device. Permanent cookies help identify your computer if you visit our website repeatedly, without allowing the user to be identified.

Depending on the function, cookies are divided into:

allow the analysis of the performance of various sales networks.

monitoring, in conjunction with conversion cookies, help analyze the performance of various sales networks.

Repeat marketing, allow the content of the ads to be personalized and properly targeted.

In detail, they aim to improve the user experience of our site, helping us to understand how to use it.

basically, they are essential for the functionality of the site.

Some cookies may collect information that is subsequently used by third parties and which may directly support our advertising activities (called “third party cookies”). For example, information about the products that visitors buy on our site may be displayed by an advertising agency in order to better customize the display of banner ads on the websites that users visit. However, based on this data it is not possible to identify the user.

Consent to the use of cookies and its withdrawal

By using this website you agree to the use of cookies. Consent to the use of cookies is voluntary. If you do not agree to the collection of some or all of the cookies, you can prevent them from being collected by changing your browser settings as follows. However, if you do, you may have to set some options manually each time you visit our site, and some services and features may not work.

How long have we been processing your personal data?

Your personal data will be processed by the “Company” in case of purchase of products in the online store for the period of application of the contractual relationship, for the period necessary to secure the mutual rights and obligations arising from the contract and for a period 2 years from the end of the warranty period for the goods for the purposes of the Company’s legal interests (see above). The issued tax documents, according to article 35 of law no. 235/2004, on Value Added Tax, as amended, are filed for 10 years from their issuance. Due to the need to prove the legal reason for issuing tax documents, orders are also archived for 10 years from the date of dispatch.

In the event that the “Company” processes personal data in accordance with your consent for the processing of personal data for commercial and business purposes or for the sending of business communications by electronic means, in accordance with law no. 480/2004, on certain information society services, as amended, personal data will be processed for a period of 5 years or until you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent, the processing of your personal data by the “Company” for other purposes and under other legal titles is not affected, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Who will have access to your personal data?

The personal data may be used by the “Company” partners, in addition to the “Company” and its employees, to ensure the aforementioned purposes. The external partners who as processors can process your personal data, are carefully selected by the “Company” and personal data are provided only to the partners who provide a guarantee of appropriate technical and organizational measures to avoid accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, non unauthorized concession or unauthorized access to transmitted, stored or otherwise processed personal data.

The entities that may or may not have access to your personal data in the future:

persons who provide for the “Company” the technical operation of a particular service or the technology providers used by the “Company” for these services (usually developer or support technical services, server services, e-mail distribution, services related to its measurement traffic to our site and adapting its content to the preferences of users).

persons who ensure the shipment of goods to the customers of the “Company”. Persons who place on the “Company” website information for the collection of personal data or for the monitoring of the behavior of the users of the website (usually in the so-called pseudo-anonymous form, ie without the possibility of obtaining immediate identification data), ie persons conducting traffic analysis our websites through cookies and advertising system administrators in relation to targeted advertising based on market data and cookie file data (including remarketing).

The “Company” must also transmit certain personal data in accordance with applicable law e.g. to state authorities, courts or law enforcement agencies, in relation to possible administrative, criminal and civil proceedings.

What are your rights in relation to the processing of personal data by the “Company”?

In relation to your personal data, you have the following rights as a data subject:

Right to revoke your consent to the processing of personal data at any time (if the processing is based on consent, eg in the case of consent to the processing of personal data for commercial and business purposes, the processing of data from cookies may be restricted through the settings of your browser).

Right of access to personal data (the right to request information about whether the personal data concerning you is processed or not processed by the Company and, if so, you have the right to access this personal data and other information in accordance with Rule 15 of the Rules of Procedure).

Data transfer right (the right to receive personal data relating to you in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format and the right to transfer this data to another administrator as well as the right to transfer personal data directly from one administrator to another , if this is technically possible).

Right of correction (the right to ask the “Company” to immediately correct the inaccurate personal data concerning you).

Right to restrict processing (the right to require the “Company” to restrict processing, except in the event that due to the exercise of the right of correction the “Company” verifies the correctness of the data or if the personal data has been illegally processed but you do not request delete them).

Right to delete (the right to ask the “Company” to delete your personal data without undue delay, except in case the personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected or you have withdrawn the consent on which the data were processed personal data by the “Company” and there is no other legal title for their processing or if the personal data have been illegally processed by the “Company”).

Right of objection (the right to ask the “Company” to stop processing your personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest).

Right to appeal to the Personal Data Protection Authority for a complaint.

How can you contact the “Company”?

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data or the application of the aforementioned rights, you can contact the “Company” in writing at the address Kudonias 60, Chania or at the e-mail address

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