Terms of Use

General transaction terms

General provisions

These General Terms (hereinafter “GO”) govern the rights and obligations related to the purchase of goods from the online store “www.bouzakisjewellery.gr” and are an integral part of the sales contract concluded between the seller (e-shop manager). ) and the buyer. By concluding the contract of sale, the buyer confirms that he has been informed and agrees with the GOs.
These CGs are valid from August 1, 2021.


Online store is the online store with address www.bouzakisjewellery.gr


GEMI: 140843658000
TIN: 113165763
MAIL CONTACT bouzakisjewellery@gmail.com
CONTACT PHONE: 28210 46816
The seller is also the manager of the online store.

Buyer – is the consumer or trader who enters into a sales contract with the seller through the online store.

Consumer is – any person who, outside the scope of his business activity or outside the scope of independent practice of his profession, concludes a contract with the trader or negotiates with him.

Sales contract – is the contract concluded between the seller and the buyer through the online store, the object of which is the purchase of goods.

Consumer contract – is the contract of sale or other contracts in accordance with the Civil Code, provided that the parties are on the one hand the consumer and the seller.

Goods – are the products that the seller offers for sale through an online store.

Courier is – the conventional carrier that ensures the transport of goods from the seller to the buyer.


Procedure for concluding a sales contract

The proposal for the conclusion of a contract of sale (offer) is considered the posting of the offered goods by the seller on the website of the online store, the contract of sale is concluded with the sending of the order by the buyer.
The goods in the online store are duly marked with their name and are usually displayed accompanied by a brief description of the construction materials and other properties of the goods. In case the goods are produced in different sizes and colors, the buyer can choose the appropriate size and color before placing the goods in the “shopping cart”.
The buyer selects the goods, selecting the color, size or other parameters, if available, and places the goods in the shopping cart by clicking on the “In cart” icon (“in the cart” or in the cart icon). As part of the ordering process, the buyer has the ability to return to the individual stages to check and correct any errors in the order.
The buyer has the opportunity to cancel the order of goods at any stage of their order by interrupting the execution of the above steps that lead to the order of goods or by leaving the site where the order of goods is executed. The buyer completes the ordering process by clicking on the “Send order” link. since then the order is binding on the parties.
After sending the order, the buyer receives the order confirmation at the email address he entered in the order, which includes, among other things, the order number and a summary of the details of the sales contract, including these general terms, which are attached. in that confirmation.
In relation to the order of goods, the seller can contact the buyer by phone at the telephone number entered by the buyer when ordering, for issues related to the execution of the contract of sale.
The sales contract can be concluded in Greek and / or English.
The contract of sale is concluded through the online store, ie using the means of distance communication – the cost of using the means of distance communication does not differ from the normal charge (in case of internet or telephone connection the charge is in accordance with the terms of the provider connection, and the seller does not charge additional fees).
The confirmation of the order by the buyer is also considered as the valid sale contract between the buyer and the seller and is archived for the purpose of its execution and for further documentation. The buyer has access to it after logging in to the user account. The buyer has the right to cancel the order, ie to withdraw from the contract of sale, without any penalties until the moment of shipment of the goods. The buyer is obliged to inform the seller by e-mail or by phone about this event. The amendment of parand error correction is possible until the goods are shipped.

Selling price

The selling prices of the goods and services are posted in the online store including VAT, as well as all the charges provided by law, however the cost of delivery of the goods varies depending on the chosen method of delivery and payment.
The selling price of the goods listed at the time of the order is the binding selling price for the seller and the buyer and can not be changed after the execution of the order, even if the amount is modified after the seller or if follow a discount offer.
The seller reserves the right to modify the sale price of the goods offered through the online store and to organize promotions with discount offers in accordance with applicable law.
The seller offers various types of discounts (loyal customers, purchase volume, discount coupons, etc.). Any discount or coupon can only be applied once, unless otherwise expressly stated. In case of multiple use, the seller has the right to refuse to accept such a discount. If the discount or coupon is applied contrary to the rules of that discount or discount coupon, the seller has the right to refuse to apply such a discount coupon or such discount. The buyer is informed and given the opportunity to place the order without the application of this discount or coupon. In case the interpretation of the discount is misinterpreted, the interpretation of the seller’s use applies. If the value of the gift voucher or discount coupon is greater than the value of the entire purchase, the difference is not transferred to a new check or coupon and the unused amount is not refunded retroactively. It is not allowed to apply more than one discount coupon in one order.

Terms of Payment

Payment of the sale price is made in Euro.
During the ordering process, the buyer can choose between two basic payment methods:
Payment upon receipt: cash on delivery of the goods from the courier, in cash or from the store

Prepayment (cashless payment): direct transfer of money from account or payment by card, payment by bank transfer.

The selected payment method can be modified after placing the order only with the consent of the seller.

Terms of delivery

The goods are delivered by the seller exclusively in the territory of the Hellenic Republic.
During the process of creating his order, the buyer has the opportunity to choose between the following two ways of delivery:
delivery by courier to the address specified in the order,

personal collection at a store or at the seller’s point of receipt.

Provided the goods are in stock, the seller sends the goods to the buyer within two working days from the date of conclusion of the contract of sale and payment of the price. If the buyer chooses non-cash payment method, the goods will be shipped within two working days from the date on which the sale price is credited to the seller’s account.
Delivery times listed on the website are informative. They arise from the expected delivery times of the transport companies.
Shipping and packaging costs chosen by the buyer in the order are borne by the buyer and these costs are governed by the seller’s current price list. Shipping costs are as follows:
home / work delivery – via courier company, cash on delivery – 5,99 EUR

home / work delivery – via courier company, prepayment – EUR 3.99


Withdrawal from the contract of sale and termination of the contract by agreement

The seller has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the buyer if the goods of the order are no longer produced or delivered but also in case of obvious error in the price of the goods (ie price substantially different from the usual price of this type / product type).
The seller is also entitled to withdraw from the contract if the buyer does not make the non-cash payment within one working day from the day of concluding the contract of sale.
The buyer may at any time after the conclusion of the contract of sale until the moment of delivery of the goods by the seller to request from the seller the termination of the contract of sale. The contract of sale is terminated by agreement of the parties as soon as the seller informs the buyer of the acceptance of the offer to terminate the contract of sale.

Conditions for withdrawal from the contract by the buyer, who is a consumer

According to article 3 of L.2251 / 1994 the consumer

The contractor has the right to withdraw from the contract without stating the reasons within 14 days from the receipt of the goods or respectively from the receipt of the last delivery of goods, if the content of the market concerns different types of goods or the goods consist of subdivisions.
Procedure for withdrawal from the contract:
No later than the 14th day after receipt of the goods, a declaration of intent must be sent to the seller with a view to withdrawing from the contract.

The buyer must send the goods to the seller at the address with delivery note: ……………………………………………………………………… .., without undue delay, the no later than 14 days after withdrawal from the contract. According to article 3 of L.2251 / 1994 the buyer bears the costs associated with the return of the goods upon withdrawal from the purchase contract. Goods to be returned must not show signs of use, they must be intact and complete (including additional items).

After the buyer withdraws from the contract, the seller, without undue delay but no later than 14 days after the withdrawal from the contract, returns to the buyer the entire amount of money, including shipping costs corresponding to the cheapest way of shipping goods. seller. However, the trader is not obliged to return the money received to the buyer before the buyer delivers the goods to the seller or before proving that the goods have been sent to the seller.
According to the provisions of 3 L.2251 / 1994 if the buyer withdraws from the contract, all the money received from him by the seller under the contract will be returned to him without undue delay, no later than ten days after the withdrawal from the contract. If the buyer paid for the goods with a payment card, the money will be refunded in the same way. In the event that the payment gateway for any reason rejects the refund process, the seller will ask the buyer for the account number to which the payment will be refunded. In other payment methods, you must provide your personal bank account to get your money back. It is not possible to return money to the account numbers of the payment institutions (loan repayment, credits, savings, etc.). For refunds, enter only your personal bank account number.
The buyer is liable to the trader for reducing the value of the goods resulting from the treatment of the goods which is different from the necessary treatment, taking into account their nature and properties.

Rights arising from incorrect performance of the contract, guarantee

The seller is liable to the buyer if the product shows defects during delivery. In particular, the seller is liable to the buyer for the fact that at the time the buyer receives the product:
the product does not have the properties agreed upon by the parties, even if the properties described by the seller or manufacturer or which the buyer expects taking into account the nature of the goods and the advertising of the product are absent from the agreement,

the product is unsuitable for the purpose and use stated by the seller or for which a product of that kind is normally used,

the product does not correspond to its quality or design on the agreed sample or the original, if the quality or design were determined on the basis of the agreed sample or the original,

the product is not available in the appropriate quantity, grade or weight and

The product does not comply with the law.
In case of a defect within six months of receipt, the product is considered defective from the moment of receipt.

The buyer is entitled to exercise his legal rights due to a defect in consumer goods within 24 months of receipt. This is not true:

for a product sold at a lower price due to a defect for which the lowest price was agreed,

for the deterioration of the product caused by its normal use,

for a used product in the event of a defect corresponding to the level of use or wear that the product had at the time of receipt by the buyer or

if the defect arises from the nature of the product.

If the product does not have the properties defined in paragraph 1 above of this GA provision, the buyer may also require the delivery of a new product without defects, if this is reasonable given the nature of the defect, but if the defect concerns only a part of the product can the buyer request a change of only the part, and if this is not possible, he can withdraw from the contract. However, if this is disproportionate to the nature of the defect, in particular if the defect can be remedied without undue delay, the buyer is entitled to free repair of the defect.
The buyer has the right to deliver a new product or replace the part even if the defect can be repaired, if the product can not be used as required due to repeated appearance of the defect after repair or due to more defects. In this case, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract.
If the buyer does not withdraw from the contract or does not exercise the right to deliver a new product without defects, to replace the part or to repair the product, he may request a reasonable discount. The buyer is entitled to a reasonable discount even if the seller is unable to deliver a new product without defects, replace the part or repair the product, as well as in case the seller does not negotiate a remedy within a reasonable time or if the negotiation can cause significant difficulties for the consumer.
If the product for sale, the packaging, the manual attached to the product or the advertisement in accordance with other legislation, the duration of use of the product is stated, the seller in this sense provides a quality guarantee to the buyer.
The warranty period is valid from the delivery of the product to the buyer, if the product is shipped according to the contract, it is valid from the arrival of the product at its destination.
The buyer has no right to guarantee if the defect was caused by an external event after the transfer of the risk of damage to the product to the buyer. This does not apply if the defect was caused by the seller.
Defective rights are exercised to the seller in any of the seller’s stores or by sending notice of the claim, including the products to be returned, to the address: ……………………………………………… ..
If the buyer exercises a right due to defective execution, the seller confirms in writing the time of exercise of the right as well as the repair and its duration.

Special provision on the settlement of the claim of the buyer, who is a consumer

The seller or his authorized representative shall immediately decide on the claim, and in special cases within a maximum of three working days. This period does not include the reasonable time required for a specialist to evaluate the defect. The claim, including the rectification of the defect, must be settled without undue delay, no later than 30 days after the date of the claim, unless a longer period is agreed between the seller and the consumer. At the end of this period, the consumer has the same rights as in the case of a defect that cannot be remedied.
The seller is obliged to provide the consumer with a written confirmation of the time of exercise of the right by the consumer, the content of the claim and the manner of settlement of the claim required by the consumer. Then confirm the date and manner of settlement of the claim, including the confirmation of the repair and the duration of the repair or the written justification of the rejection of the claim
Within the meaning of the provisions of 3 of Law 2251/1994, the seller declares that for a possible out-of-court complaint, the consumer can address the competent control body,

Privacy Policy – Processing of Personal Data

The personal data disclosed to the seller is not disclosed to third parties or other entities without the consent of the buyer except those cases that are necessary for the execution of the contract of sale in accordance with these General Meetings and their processing is in accordance with the General Regulation Data (EU) (2016/679)

By concluding the contract of sale and for the needs of its execution, the buyer provides the seller with his consent for the processing of personal data under the conditions mentioned below.
The personal data that are processed are the following:
name and surname

date of birth


phone number

email adress

Shipping Address

bank account details


The above personal data will be processed for the following purposes:
execution of a sales contract, management of a customer account, delivery of goods and fulfillment of legal obligations arising from liability for defects (possible claims). For these purposes, the data shall be processed for the period of time required to achieve the stated purposes.

in case the consent is required (eg in the context of competitions, marketing activities, etc.) or in case of processing the name, surname, address and e-mail address of the data subject and granting consent for processing for the purpose of: use in marketing, offering products and services, sending commercial communication. In this case, the data is processed for a period of time until the consent is withdrawn which can be made in writing to the seller’s address or to any commercial communication sent by e-mail.

The seller, as the person in charge of processing the personal data, is at the same time their manager and ensures that the personal data he receives will be processed in a safe way. Personal data is stored in a secure database. Personal data is processed manually (by employees and processors) and automated (by employees and processors).
Consent to the processing of personal data is granted for an indefinite period of time. The buyer is entitled to withdraw his consent for the processing of personal data at any time with a notice sent electronically to the address: iinfo @ ecohomecollection .gr or in writing at the seller’s headquarters.
The buyer has the right to access the personal data, he has the right to correct it, to complete it, he has the right to lock it, to ask the seller for explanations and to terminate a possible incorrect registration through an application sent electronically to: info @ ecohomecollection .gr or in writing at the seller’s headquarters. The buyer is informed in writing or by e-mail about the subsequent procedure.
By concluding a sales contract, the buyer expresses his consent for the sending of commercial announcements to the e-mail address that he registers during his registration. The buyer can at any time refuse to send commercial announcements according to the previous proposal, either by clicking on the link at the end of the individual commercial announcement or by sending an email to: info @ ecohomecollection .gr.
The buyer also agrees to the storage of “cookies” in his terminal equipment (eg computer) in order to facilitate the provision of information society services, the buyer has the option to refuse the storage of cookies or similar tools in his terminal equipment , for example by performing the anonymous browsing function in its browser.
Information Provided

The Seller is committed to the truth, accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the online store, regarding the identity of the Company and the transactions provided through the online store. In good faith, the Company is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries made inadvertently or by mistake in the common experience and has the right to correct them whenever they become aware of it.

Limitation of Liability

The Seller fully complies with the applicable provisions regarding sales, e-commerce and consumer protection.

The Seller, in the context of its transactions from the online store, informs the Customer based on the availability or non-availability of the products and in no case can guarantee their availability. In any case, the Company undertakes to inform the Customer in time for the non-availability, in which case even in this case it does not bear any further responsibility.

Seller is not responsible for side effects or damage from the use of ordered products due to incorrect product selection by the user, careless or incorrect use of the products, or the manufacturer’s fault, such as manufacturing fault, incomplete information or instructions accompanying the products , quality of construction, safety of materials and defects. In the event of a defective product, its liability is limited to the obligation to replace it, provided that the conditions for returning products are met.

In good faith, The Seller is not responsible or liable for any errors or omissions in the common experience, in features, photos and product prices and can not rule out the possibility of incorrect entries for any reason during import and / or and updating the features and / or price of a product. It undertakes, however, to correct them whenever they come to its knowledge.

The online store provides the content (information, names, illustrations, etc.), products and services through the website “exactly as they are”. In no case is the Company liable for any claims of a civil and / or criminal nature nor for any damage (positive, special or negative which is indicative and not restrictive, by aggregates and / or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) that may be suffered by a visitor or user of the online store or a third party, due to the operation or not and / or use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or products and / or information available through it and / or any unauthorized interference by third parties with products and / or services and / or information available through it.



All content of the online store, such as distinctive titles, marks, images, graphics, texts, etc., is the intellectual property of the Company (or third parties from which the Company has received a license to operate the online store) and is protected by relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. The names, insignia, marks, images, photographs, designs, logos, graphics, insignia, texts and audiovisual material, which are listed and represent the online store at www …………………………. or the products or services of the Seller or third parties, constitute assets and trademarks of the Seller or third parties respectively, protected by the relevant copyright and trademark laws. The appearance of these on the present website and in the online store of the Company, should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute, process, resell, create a product, modify in any way, or mislead the public about the actual provider of the online store. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination, transmission or any other use of the content in any way or medium, for commercial or other purposes, is permitted only with the prior written consent of the Seller or any other copyright holder.

Consumer Liability

The Consumer agrees and undertakes to use this website, as well as the services, information and data of the online store, in accordance with the Law, good faith and good morals. The Consumer agrees that he must provide true and accurate information in his transactions with the online store. The Consumer assumes all responsibility for the use of his account in the online store by persons not authorized by him and for any damage suffered by the Company from this cause.

The Consumer agrees and undertakes not to use the online store for:

– sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content that is illegal for any reason, causes unlawful infringement and damage to the Company or any third party or violates the confidentiality or confidentiality of any person,

-sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in other ways any content that offends users’ morals, social values, etc.,

-sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content for which users do not have the right to transmit in accordance with the law or applicable contracts (such as inside information, property and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of employment relations or covered by confidentiality agreements),

-sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, industrial or copyright or other proprietary rights of any kind,

– sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material containing software viruses or any other code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, damage, or corrupt the operation of any software; or computer hardware,

-intentional or unintentional violation of applicable law or regulations,

-harassment of third parties in any way.


Force Majeure

The Seller reserves the right and is not responsible in any case for any temporary or permanent inability to provide services and for delays in the acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of ordered products, for reasons not attributable through his fault, such as in cases of force majeure ( strikes, earthquakes, fires, bad weather, etc.) or unforeseen situations or events, such as malfunctions of the cooperating courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction of the products before delivery to the user and after delivery, illegal counterparty or third party interventions, malfunction of internet payment processing provider (bank) or host provider or internet service provider (ISP) or access service provider or user terminal equipment , incorrect provision of information by the user and in general for any incident that prevents the proper fulfillment of his contractual obligations. The responsibility of the company is limited to its obligations under the contract with the consumer and will make every effort to meet them, within a reasonable period of time.


Availability & Network Security

The Seller makes every effort for the proper operation of its network. However, the Company can not guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors. In any case, the Company does not bear any responsibility in case the users cannot connect to the website. The Company is not responsible for the security policy of other websites or for the way in which they manage their online visitors.


Confidentiality Statement

The Seller treats the User’s correspondence with the online store as confidential and does not transfer its content except to the directly interested recipient and in the cases provided by law if requested or in case the content of the message is considered to offend the Seller. Such action is necessary for a) the protection of the rights and the property of the Seller, b) the protection of the site from misuse or unauthorized use and c) the protection of the personal safety of the users or the consumer public. In the event that the Consumer gives a false email address or tries to take someone else’s place when sending information, all information will be part of any investigation.


Dispute Resolution

Competent courts for the resolution of disputes from the present are those of Athens and Greek Law is applied.
The buyer, who is a consumer, has in accordance with law no. 2251/1994 as in force, the right to out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from the contract of sale or the contract of service in accordance with article 11 of Law 2251/1994
Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes begins only at the request of the consumer and only if the dispute is not resolved directly with the seller. The proposal can be submitted no later than 1 year from the day of exercising the right, which is the subject of the dispute, for the first time from the consumer to the seller.
The consumer has the right to initiate out-of-court dispute resolution electronically through the ADR platform which is accessible through the website ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

During the negotiation of the out-of-court settlement of the dispute, the amortization deadlines and the limitation periods according to the Civil Code do not apply and do not start, until one of the parties explicitly refuses to continue the negotiation process.

Any invalidity of some Terms here of does not result in the invalidity of the others.

Final provisions

These general terms are valid and valid as set out on the seller’s website on the day the buyer submits an online order. The right to modify the general terms is reserved.

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