Withdrawal from the contract of sale and termination of the contract by agreement

The seller has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the buyer if the goods of the order are no longer produced or delivered but also in case of obvious error in the price of the goods (ie price substantially different from the usual price of this type / product type).
The seller is also entitled to withdraw from the contract if the buyer does not make the non-cash payment within one working day from the day of concluding the contract of sale.
The buyer may at any time after the conclusion of the contract of sale until the moment of delivery of the goods by the seller to request from the seller the termination of the contract of sale. The contract of sale is terminated by agreement of the parties as soon as the seller informs the buyer of the acceptance of the offer to terminate the contract of sale.


Conditions for withdrawal from the contract by the buyer, who is a consumer

According to article 3 of L.2251 / 1994 the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without stating the reasons within 14 days from the receipt of the goods or respectively from the receipt of the last delivery of goods, if the content of the market concerns various types of goods or the goods consist of individual parts.
Procedure for withdrawal from the contract:

No later than the 14th day after receipt of the goods, a declaration of intent must be sent to the seller with a view to withdrawing from the contract.

The buyer must send the goods to the seller at the address with delivery note: ……………………………………………………………………… .., without undue delay, the no later than 14 days after withdrawal from the contract. According to article 3 of L.2251 / 1994 the buyer bears the costs associated with the return of the goods upon withdrawal from the purchase contract. Goods to be returned must not show signs of use, they must be intact and complete (including additional items).

After the buyer withdraws from the contract, the seller, without undue delay but no later than 14 days after the withdrawal from the contract, returns to the buyer the entire amount of money, including shipping costs corresponding to the cheapest way of shipping goods. seller. However, the trader is not obliged to return the money received to the buyer before the buyer delivers the goods to the seller or before proving that the goods have been sent to the seller.
According to the provisions of 3 L.2251 / 1994 if the buyer withdraws from the contract, all the money received from him by the seller under the contract will be returned to him without undue delay, no later than ten days after the withdrawal from the contract. If the buyer paid for the goods with a payment card, the money will be refunded in the same way. In the event that the payment gateway for any reason rejects the refund process, the seller will ask the buyer for the account number to which the payment will be refunded. In other payment methods, you must provide your personal bank account to get your money back. It is not possible to return money to the account numbers of the payment institutions (loan repayment, credits, savings, etc.). For refunds, enter only your personal bank account number.
The buyer is liable to the trader for reducing the value of the goods resulting from the treatment of the goods which is different from the necessary treatment, taking into account their nature and properties.

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